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Showing posts from August, 2017

s u n f l o w e r

It is in the same peculiar fashion that sunflowers only turn their faces up towards the sun that I am drawn into nothing that I understand and everything that fuels me. Just as a sunflower, I uncontrollably point my face to all that is light, love and clarity. Just as those deeply rooted into the soil, I am aided to rise from the dirt - the sky is the limit and once I reach my undetermined height, I begin to bloom. I bloom into beauty, I bloom into strength and most of all I bloom into the creation that my ancestors before me nourished and loved on my soil for. I trust in the sun to provide adequate love and care to me, I embrace the soil that supports me and I bask in the fruitful growth of all that is me. I take after the nature that surrounds me and I never question the process, I simply just am.